By Reginald Kaigler (DEMCAD)
A disappointed viewership was upset that I said that I wasn't going to vote this year. I was stating on blogtv that it was essentially pointless. The viewer sent me an e-mail questioning whether I was even registered to vote, how I could not vote if I'm a constitutionalists. However, I'm also a pragmatist and this is my response.
The U.S. government only follows the U.S. constitution when in suits them. Nevertheless, I am registered to vote. And Yes, I have voted before. I voted for McCain, the low life who co-signed the National Defense Authorization Act. The same act that allows the military to turn America into a battlefield and detain citizens without a charge, trial or any evidence. Of course, Obama signed this disgraceful piece of legislation. So, no, I will not be voting. I simply don't see a point.
Time and time again, leaders in both the Republican and Democratic parties have lied to the American people. They have continued to support unconstitutional legislation (e.g. Patriot Act, Military Commissions Act, National Defense Authorization) aimed at stripping our civil liberties and basic rights. Both parties have continued to support criminals on Wall Street, banker bailouts and unnecessary wars (Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Pakistan bombing, Yemen bombing).
You say that "this is the most important election of our lifetime." Isn't every scam of an election supposedly the most important of our lifetime. And yet, they are always the same. Candidate make promises, one wins the race and when he gets into office, they break almost every promise. Remember when Obama said he was going to close Guantanamo Bay? he lied about that, lied about the one year withdrawal from Iraq, illegally bombed Yemen, Pakistan and Libya, escalated the Afghan War and protected Bush torturers. And he's not the only liar.
Bush claimed that U.S. shouldn't try to police the world and what did he do, he started two unnecessary wars and lied his ass off about weapons of mass destruction. He dramatically expanded the size of government and accelerated the national debt. Obama has just continued the foolishness.
You also say that if I'm a constitutionalists, I would vote. Well, to be honest, if Thomas Jefferson were alive and saw what this government were doing, I doubt he would be concerned about voting.
After all, isn't he the guy who said,
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure."
Anyway, don't you see the scam. People are allowed to vote because it gives them the illusion that they have a say in things. They don't. Remember when Congress was considering the bailout and the overwhelm numbers of Americans called their Congressperson's office and pledged for them to not give their tax money to bankers? What did Congress do?
So sure, Obama is going to try to take away my rights in his second term, but there's plenty of reason to think the GOP nominee will do so as well. Romney and Newt have made anti-gun statements and Santorum is barely better. And as far as Ron Paul, the man is the only non-corporatist, non neo-con candidate and was out right cheated in Maine. The race was close and there simply stopped counting the votes. They had clear discrepancies in the voting from various districts.
Maybe Stalin was right (if he said this.)
"The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything."
The fact of the matter is that none of the candidates have made a commitment to cut the budget, end the warmongering and stop the banker bailouts. They are all getting money from Goldman Sachs and the criminals on Wall Street. So as disappointed as you are in me, it doesn't even come close to the disappointment I have for this corrupt system.
So what do you think? Should we bother voting in 2012?
I've heard people argue that we should vote for Ron Paul to prevent World War 3, but I think Maine proves that the GOP will make sure he never gets the nomination. If you think I'm wrong, tell me why?